Bünzli Bünzlers
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS
Härzlich Willkomme ide Schwiz!
Erläbe Sie mit Bünzli Bünzlers de spannendi Alltag vo ere Usländerin ide Schwiz!
Gniesse Sie die schöni Alpelandschaft und de Stadt-Charme, lehne Sie sich zrugg und lönd Sie sich verzaubere.
Aber Achtung vo allne Gsetzt ide Schwiiz! Bitte halte Sie sich draa oder es passiert no eppis schlimms!
Bünzli Bünzlers is a small Time-Loop, Situation Management game where you need to hide your own body without anyone seeing you! Set in a fictional Swiss city, entirely in Swiss German and there to cast a critical light on the immigration process in Switzerland.
Avoid stage hazards while watching out not to break any laws during the day, otherwise the local proper Swiss people, the "Bünzlis" will report you to the police.
After nightfall, you need to bring all your hidden bodies to the graveyard to get rid of them once and for all, but don't get caught! If you do, you will be deported. If you managed to survive, the next day begins and then rinse and repeat.
But don't fret! Life in Switzerland is nice, even for foreigners!
And as they say in Switzerland: "Griezi und Willkomme!"
This game was made as a Uni project for the ZHDK - Züricher Hochschule der Künste.
Made by: Fabrice Voisard, Manuela Widmer and Yana Yapici
Install instructions
Download the package and run the Bünzli Bünzlers.exe.
No installing required. On Mac Rightclick-Open to avoid a Warning-Window.
Enjoy :-)
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